Air Gun

Air Gun Program Information

The Air Gun Program is open to adult and junior (ages 10 thru 20) rifle and pistol shooters.  Shooters meet every week on Mondays evenings. The air gun season runs from October thru April – see the Club Calendar for beginning & ending dates each season.  Junior members must be at least ten years old.  Parents do not have to be a Yellowstone Rifle Club member for kids to shoot as a junior, although it is great to have parent or grandparent participation to help coach beginning shooters. A responsible adult must be available while the child is at the range.

Costs & Fees

The usual expenses include:

  1. A junior membership – $45 per shooter per year
    1. A combined junior smallbore & airgun range fee and junior membership is available for $70 per shooter. The $70 fee covers both junior & airgun practices.
  2. Per night range fees
  • Adult YRC members $4.00
  • YRC Junior members –range fee included in dues (see above)
  • Adults, not YRC members, $5.00 (YRC membership is strongly encouraged)
  1. Ammo – $10.00 per 500 pellets (average)


YRC Gear that is available for shooters to use includes:

  1. Air rifles and air pistols (If you use your own .177 caliber rifle or pistol, range requirements need to be met, contact the Airgun Director for details.)
  2. Pellets
  3. Safety glasses
  4. Spotting scopes
  5. Slings

Shooters may participate in the NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program to earn awards as they develop their shooting skill.


For more information contact the Air Gun Director